The Schilderswijk Mothers

Reaching out to isolated women: inclusivity in action.

Our city is home to many residents, volunteers, and professionals that support vulnerable people. One of the challenges is to reach people that live their life in relative isolation.

The Schilderswijk Mothers is one of our city’s initiatives aimed specifically at women with little or no social network. About twenty professionally trained and coached volunteers support and activate women in the various communities of the Schilderswijk. They provide a listening ear, give practical support to participate in society, and if needed refer people to the organisations that provide further assistance. The Schilderswijk Mothers can be the bridge between government, social services and these women.

  • The Schilderswijk Mothers have activated and supported over 1000 women over the past five years.
  • More than 80% of the women they have reached have climbed one or more steps on the participation ladder (see figure).
  • Between 80% and 90% of women are referred to additional support.
  • Research shows that the benefits of the Schilderswijk Mothers programme outweigh the costs multiple times.

Neighbourhood centre De Mussen

Stichting Moeder & Dochter, Stichting Multiculturele Vrouwen in de Schilderswijk, City of The Hague, Kans Fonds


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