This initiative works with the elderly to understand their needs and trial a range of new technological tools.
An ageing population means the percentage of our population requiring special assistance is increasing. iZi Gezond Lang Thuis (iZi), in collaboration with residents, plans to find social and technological solutions to the daily tasks of older people, which will enable them to stay healthy and to live independently in their own homes. Examples include new forms of personal alarm systems, remote controlled lighting and window openers, social and household robots, and tablets and smartphones for seniors. The project will be delivered based on wishes and needs of elderly people About 150 elderly residents trial a number of systems, devices and adjustments. Based on their feedback, favourite concepts will be further developed.
City of The Hague: OCW, Smart City
Leiden University, HaagWonen, TU Delft, World Startup Factory, The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Xtra